Redding Airport Master Plan Update

The City of Redding - Department of Airports is conducting an Airport Master Plan for Redding Airport (RDD) with the clear objective to provide systematic guidelines for the Airport’s overall maintenance, development, and operation. The Master Plan is a proactive document which identifies and plans for future facility needs well in advance of the actual need for the facilities. This is done to ensure that Airport management can coordinate project approvals, design, financing, and construction to avoid experiencing detrimental effects due to inadequate facilities.

Why is the Airport Updating the Master Plan?

The FAA requires certain airports, including RDD, to maintain an FAA approved ALP, which FAA uses to support grant funding for eligible capital projects. The Master Plan and ALP were last updated in 2015. FAA recommends these be updated every five to ten years or as necessary to address changes at the airport and/or in the aviation industry. Redding Airport has experiences significant increases in passenger levels in recent years, therefore this Master Plan is necessary to address those changes.

Who is the Updating the Master Plan?

The study will be prepared by Coffman Associates, a national aviation consulting firm specializing in airport planning studies. The study process is anticipated to take approximately 18 months to complete, followed by agency reviews and approvals. The structure of the Master Plan follows FAA guidelines. Accordingly, the FAA will also review and accept the Master Plan and approve two specific elements, the aviation forecasts as well as the Airport Layout Plan (ALP), which is the set of technical drawings depicting the current and planned layout of all airport facilities.